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The importance of acidity and alkalinity in the body

Maintaining an ideal acid/alkaline balance is very important for bodily health. Unfortunately, no current medical tests can measure how acidic the body is with 100% accuracy, because they can’t reliable determine how much acid waste your body is producing. This is because these fluids – despite being waste products – are ever-present in bodily tissue.

Excessive acidity interrupts your bodily functions and impacts upon your general bodily health – there isn’t an organ in your body that acidosis doesn’t affect. The best way to counter this process is to go about alkalizing your body, whether that’s through supplements or diet. Taking a fulvic acid supplement is a fantastic idea, as it will increase enzyme activity – particularly that of alkalinity-increasing enzymes.; energised water is vital for hydration, when you are hydrated your acid levels will decrease. Oxygen supplementation is also important to keep acid levels down.

Alkaline sea minerals are also important, mineral deficiency = dehydration and high acidity.

How excessive acid can affect bodily functioning

Various organs in the body are impacted by acidosis, or excessive acid levels:

  • Heart: Acidosis can affect heartbeat, the heart’s ability to oxygenate blood and general heart function.

  • Stomach: Excessive acid affects digestive function, which results in gas, bloating and constipation.

  • Liver: Acidosis can affect the ability of the liver to process toxins, as it has to deal with large acid loads.

  • Pancreas: Acidosis can affect the ability of the pancreas to regulate blood sugar levels in the body.

  • Intestines: Excess acid can impact upon the small intestine’s ability to produce alkalinity-increasing enzymes (which are also stimulated by fulvic acid supplement products).

  • Kidneys: Acidosis can contribute towards the foundation of kidney stones.

  • Colon: Excess acid can affect bowel action and functioning.

  • Lymphatic System: Acidosis can result in inflammation of the lymph nodes and hindered lymph flow, which is a chronic and serious condition. The acid/alkaline balance of our bodies fundamentally determines how well each cell performs. Our bodily pH levels can drastically vary depending on sleep, diet, stress levels and various other factors – however, there are differing medical opinions on what the 'optimal' pH level of the body is. Normally urine & saliva is ideal at 6.4; Blood normally regulates itself and is normally around 7.38

Most importantly, the healing process in regards to body acidity begins with consumption of alkaline minerals, whether they are in green vegetables, a fulvic acid supplement or various other foods and products eg ormus, minerals.

The Western diet has a tendency to focus on the importance of protein, which increases acid levels in the body when digested – and coupled with stress, which is considered to be the great modern acidifier, what most Westerners eat contributes greatly towards body acidity.

There is also a considerable problem with high alkalinity, most people are too high in acid but occassionally we see those who are too far the other way this can hinder certain mineral absorption such as iron magnesium, calcium, molybdonem and also HCL/ stomach acid.

so the idea is a pH balance not a totally alkaline lifestyle

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