Dried Beans with Onions (Fassoolia Humra) Lebanese Dish
Serves: 4-6
Cooking time: 2 ½ hours
2 cups Borlotti beans (Health Shop)
2 large onions, chopped finely
¾ cup organic extra olive oil
3 Tablespoon organic tomato paste (Health Shop)
2-3 gloves of garlic if the garlic is small, (if the is garlic is large then use one)
2 teaspoons Celtic salt
¼ teaspoons organic black pepper
1 teaspoon mixed spices
4 cups of filtered water
1 teaspoon dried mint
Drain beans
In a large saucepan fry the onions in half the oil until very dark brown and with burning them).
Add remaining oil, the beans, salt, pepper, and mixed spices, saute for 3 minutes.
Mix in the water, bring to boil vigorously for 10 minutes. Turn down the heat, cover tightly and simmer, stirring regularly and adding more water if necessary, until the beans are tender and the fluid is reduced, but I leave some fluid so the rice absorbs it.
Cook for 2 ½ hours
Before serving chop up some mint and sprinkle on top. (Optional)
Serve with hot organic brown rice and is great with salad.
And great cold for lunch the next day or on toast for breakfast.